Yoga is a Mental Health Game Changer

There are many benefits to practising yoga. When I ask a patient if they practise yoga or know certain yoga poses the response I get is usually “I'm not flexible enough for yoga.” I often like to give yoga poses for home care stretches for people who regularly practise yoga.  Yoga can help one to improve flexibility, protect you from injuries and lower stress and blood pressure. Yoga can also benefit your mind by improving concentration and focus and helping to relieve anxiety.


During these unprecedented times I feel grateful to live in Victoria, B.C.  where we have a strong yoga community. I was impressed by local yoga studios that quickly transitioned to classes on-line for a small fee. One Yoga studio offered two classes per day and I was faithful to attend at least one, sometimes two classes per day. Do Yoga With Me is another personal favourite that offered two months of free yoga for those quarantined by the Coronavirus.  There are no excuses not to practise yoga at home. It does require a little more self-discipline. The nice thing about a home practise is that you can do it anytime or any day and for as long as you have time. All you need is your yoga mat. Blocks are nice to have but you can use books too. Rolled up blankets or pillows can make nice bolsters. You can do your yoga in PJ's or in your lululemons. Best of all you can show up anytime on your mat and can stay in savasana as long as you like!

Here are some ways yoga can benefit your mind:

  • Yoga Increases Your Focus

    A big part of practising yoga is focusing on breathing and yourself. Because many yoga postures challenge your balance, this requires higher levels of concentration.  The more you practise, the more your overall ability to concentrate and focus increases. Increasing our mental focus and clarity allows us to perform better.

  • Calm Your Mind

    Experts estimate that the mind thinks between 60,000-80,000 thoughts per day. That's an average of 2500-3300 thoughts per hour. With our minds racing all day with thousands of thoughts on things like what to make for dinner, where to do our run workout that day, or what we are going to do tomorrow. Yoga requires concentration and attentiveness to our breathing, which helps to slow our minds down and focus on the present moment. Mindfulness happens when we are free of stress and negativity, it also decreases anxiety and creates feelings of calmness. 

  • Increases Productivity

    Yoga encourages mindfulness and helps you stay in the present moment and become more productive. If you are working on a task, and solely focused on the task in the present moment, you are likely to be more focused and get it done quicker and better. Multi-tasking is a desirable trait, but not the most productive way of getting the job done by splitting your task and your thought processes into smaller unfocused bits.

  • Yoga Promotes Positivity

    When you practise yoga, all kinds “happiness hormones” are released, which helps you to stay calm and maintain a positive mindset. If you've ever practised yoga, you'll know what I mean as your practise leaves you in a peaceful state. The physical poses, breathing exercises and meditation help to lower blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol levels (stress hormones).

    Yoga helps to promote positive body image by focusing on what your body can do as opposed to what it looks like.

  • Face life challenges

    Yoga can help remove mental blocks to problem solving, increases our self-confidence, self-assurance, and mental clarity.

    Yoga is good for your body and mind. Even if you only have 10 minutes a day. You can start your day in a mindful way with yoga or end your day and unwind your mind for better sleep.


Charlene Waldner