Take a Hike or Trail Run

Exercise will help clear your mind and give you energy to take charge of the day

We are so lucky living here on Vancouver island BC that we have so many local CRD and provincial parks for trail running and hiking. Even within Victoria we have local trails in Beacon hill park, mount Doug, Mystic Veil at UVic, Government house, Thetis lake and Mount Work to explore - just to name a few. We have the luxury of trails in our own back yard that may be close enough to bike or run too.

If you're a runner tired of running mindlessly on a tread mill or sick of running around the neighbourhood concrete there are lots of benefits to taking your run to the trails

Here are some trail running benefits:

Injury Prevention

I was introduced to trail running when I ran cross country in high school. Now I mostly prefer to run on trails because of the softer impact of the trails and decreases the impact forces on my hip, knee and ankle joints. Although softer surfaces of trail running can benefit runners, you will need to avoid injuries sprained ankles caused by technical terrain such as rocks and roots.

Increased Leg Strength

Trail running challenges your muscles running up a hill or on a decline. You're legs will gain explosive speed from jumping up and off rocks over over logs and other obstacles. Be cautious when jumping over a log if you do not know what is on the other side of it.

Better Air Quality

Trail running allows you to breathe fresher air and helps to break free of pollution from carbon monoxide emissions from passing cars. Nothing beats fresh clean air and sunshine or the smell of alpine meadows.

Increased Speed

Hill running increases resistance that will help develop your running muscles. You may find after consistency hill training that you run faster on flatter surfaces. If you run at altitude you will improve you're cardiovascular efficiency to run faster with less effort.

Burn More Calories

Trail running requires more effort than flat pavement running. If you are running at elevation or altitude requires more muscles to be used and more oxygen uptake to provide energy therefore your body burns more calories.

Improve Balance

Running in a straight line does not require a lot of balance, but trail running is not as easy. Learning how to navigate root, rocks and logs requires some skill and agility which can help develop real-world running skills.


Running with Poles

If you are running or hiking poles can greatly add to efficient trail experience while walking uphill on steep, sustained hills. Poles can be helpful on steep climbs with loose footing or on steep downhills poles can aid balance and stability. Using poles can be a good way to conserve leg power as it allows athlete to engage muscles in the upper body.


Increased Focus

Trail running requires you to keep your head up, eyes ahead and mind active. Personally, I do not run with music or audio books because I like to be aware of my surroundings and in tune with my body. Besides, I would prefer to hear a cougar or bear sneak up on me than to be surprised after the fact :)

Improve Running Technique

Running on uneven trails requires taking shorter strides. Taking shorter strides will help to avoid landing on your heel, you will develop a faster stride landing mid foot. I find trail running is like dancing – envisioning “quick feet “like “running on hot coals “I find helps me pick my feet up and avoid the “Ironman shuffle”.


Enjoy a Stress Free Workout

In our new COVID world one can go for a socially distance run easier on trails than pavement. You can maintain the required 6ft distance. You don't have to stress about crowds, traffic, bikes, strollers or red lights. Just you and the trail ... and occasionally the wildlife.


Break free of Monotony

In order to stick with an exercise routine you must enjoy it!

If you dread running on a treadmill or track, sustaining a long – term workout plan isn't achievable.

The joy of trail running gives you an opportunity to try something new and different. If you find the right trails you can run them over and over again and never get bored.


Take a Mental break

 Trail running and hiking in nature have been shown to decrease anxiety, worry, depression and negative thinking. Being in nature can restore our mood, give us back energy and vitality, refresh and rejuvenate us.

Getting out to connect with nature in a meaningful and relaxing way is a nice escape from our hectic lives and daily responsibilities.


So Get Outside and Hit the Trails!

Don't forget to bring water, wear good trail or hiking shoes that provide traction, bring a GPS device or phone in case you get lost. Personally, if I'm running 90 minutes or longer I bring a small first aid kit and a snack just in case. Or just simply if you are running alone let a family member or friend know where you are going in case you get lost or injured. Safely first. 

And as Dr. Henry says: “Be Calm, Be Kind, Be Safe” :)


Charlene Waldner